They’re home, now what?

Welcoming Your SAAP Pet Home

Congratulations on adopting your new furry friend!

SAAP’s commitment to our SAAP pets doesn't end with adoption! SAAP provides ongoing support to adopters, offering resources, guidance, and assistance as needed to ensure the continued happiness and health of adopted animals. Have questions about your SAAP pet? Email us at

Here are some tips for keeping your new family member safe and happy in their new home:

For Dog Adopters

  • If you have other pets, introduce your new dog to them very slowly so they all get a chance to adjust to the new living arrangements.

  • Set up a space for your new pet to decompress and take a break while they get used to their new environment. The first 3 days are sometimes very stressful to a new pet

  • Make sure your dog’s collar is well adjusted and tight fitting. They should not be able to back out or slip it over their head. Consider a martingale style collar or fitted harness.

  • Double leash by using a slip lead slipped over your dog’s head and a clip leash attached to their collar or harness.

  • Be careful with doors and windows. Close them tightly behind you before taking off your dog’s leash. Before opening them secure your dog in a crate, behind a gate or with a leash.

  • Leash walk in your fenced yard to get your dog used to their new boundaries.

  • Check for holes and other areas that can be escape routes in your fencing.

For more tips visit our Dog Safety page.

For Cat Adopters

  • Help your cat feel safe and secure in their new home by giving them their own room or space with all of their essentials.

  • If you have other pets, introduce your new cat to them very slowly.

  • Catify your home! Set up cat scratchers, cat trees, and toys throughout your home.

  • If you're a first-time cat owner, expect your cat to go a little haywire in the middle of night (also known as “the zoomies”).

  • Play with your cat as much as you can during the day.

For more tips visit our Cat Safety page.